The Camiguin Polytechnic State College (CPSC) conducted an In-house Review and Evaluation of Research and Extension Proposals on June 8-9, 2023 via Zoom Teleconference. The activity aimed to enhance the continue reading : CPSC RDE holds virtual-based In-house Review of Proposals 2023
CPSC inks MOU with UGM
Recognizing the value of international cooperation, Prof Dr Alexander N. Morados, Director for Research and Innovation of Camiguin Polytechnic State College, Philippines signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Prof Dr continue reading : CPSC inks MOU with UGM
Prof. Basco presents paper at the 9th PASCHR International Conference in Virac, Catanduanes
Prof. Althemar O. Basco Jr., Faculty of Institute of Arts and Sciences presented his research paper entitled “Crucial Timeline of Events in the Island Province of Camiguin: 1521-1968”, on May continue reading : Prof. Basco presents paper at the 9th PASCHR International Conference in Virac, Catanduanes
CPSC-RDE holds Inception Meeting for the upcoming In-House Review
The Research Development and Innovation Office spearheaded by Engr. Ericson S. Solis, OIC Director for Research, convened an Inception Meeting with the CPSC Research Coordinators on May 10, 2023 at continue reading : CPSC-RDE holds Inception Meeting for the upcoming In-House Review
Faculty members and students from the Institute of Agriculture conducted technology demonstration on Natural Farming in Bacnit Integrated School, Sagay and Barangay Cabuan, Guinsiliban, Camiguin on April 24, 2023. The continue reading : AGGIE FACULTY RESEARCHERS, EXTENSIONISTS AND STUDENTS COLLAB FOR NFTS TECHNO DEMO
IBG Faculty Researchers Present Papers in International Research Conference
Dr. Jasper F. Mongaya (Faculty Member) and Dr Christi M. Magto (Dean) of the Institute of Business and Governance (IBG) presented their research papers during the 50th Annual Congress and continue reading : IBG Faculty Researchers Present Papers in International Research Conference
Congratulations! Dr. Alexander N. Morados
Congratulations Prof. Dr Alexander N. Morados, for being accepted in the University Consortium Faculty Mobility Program from May 1-30, 2023 at the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The program is continue reading : Congratulations! Dr. Alexander N. Morados
CPSC Faculty and staff participate in Contingency Plan for Volcanic Eruption Writeshop
Thirteen (13) Faculty members and staff from different institutes and units of the college actively participated as writers in the formulation of contingency plan for volcanic eruption in the province continue reading : CPSC Faculty and staff participate in Contingency Plan for Volcanic Eruption Writeshop
Engr. Jason Rey Jael and Ms. Roshellie Pescadero participated in the Northern Mindanao Consortium for Energy, Industry and Emerging Technology Research and Development (NorMINCIERD) Café Proposal Writeshop on April 11-12, continue reading : IECS FACULTY RESEARCHERS PARTICIPATE IN NORMINCIERRD PROPOSAL WRITESHOP