College President’s Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The College President shall be selected and appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of a Search Committee for Presidency duly constituted by it and his/her compensation shall be fixed by law.
  2. The College President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the College with the following duties and responsibilities:
      1. Shall be the ex-Officio Head of the College Body of Instructors and Professors and every unit of the Faculty;
      2. Shall have general supervision over all business and financial operation of the College;
      3. Shall be responsible over all the officers and members of the Non-Academic Staff of the College
      4. Carry out the policies formulated by the Board and to act within the said policies. He/She shall exclusively direct and assign the details of executive action;
      5. Determine and coordinate the preparation of the agenda of all meetings of the Board, and the Academic and the Administrative Councils;
      6. Preside at Commencement and other Public Exercises of the College and confer such degrees and honors as are granted by the Board. All diplomas and certificates issued by the College shall be co-signed by him/her and the College Registrar;
      7. Recommend for appointment to the Board qualified and competent members of the faculty or other persons to fill up administrative positions pursuant to provisions of NCC No. 12-B, s. 1982 as amended by NBC 461 S. 1991, and all vacancies and new positions as per approved criteria for Recruitment of Personnel upon recommendation of the Personnel and Selection Board;
      8. Act as the official link between the academic and the non-academic staff and the students of the College on one hand and the Board on the other;
      9. Recommend to the Board the change of leave status of a member of the academic staff from teacher’s leave to cumulative leave or vice versa;
      10. Enforce discipline in the College and maintain satisfactory academic standards in all Institutes;
      11. Accept resignations and authorize the transfer of faculty members and employees, subject to confirmation by the Board;
      12. Grant or deny leave of absence with pay or without pay, or the extension of such leave;
      13. Recommend to the Board for approval the grant or extension of fellowships or scholarships;
      14. Approve the retirement of members of faculty and employees, subject to confirmation by the Board;
      15. Transfer/detail faculty members and employees from one department or unit of the College to another in accordance with their specialization, subject to confirmation by the Board;
      16. Grant or deny permission to members of the faculty to accept training grants, fellowships, scholarships, assistantships, or invitations to conferences sponsored by outside agencies or organizations;
      17. Present to the Board the Annual Budget of the College with the estimates of income and expenditures;
      18. Submit an Annual Report to the Board on the work of the preceeding year and the needs of the  year not later than sixty (60) days after the end of the Academic Year;
      19. Recommend the loan or transfer of apparatus, equipment, or supplies from the bureaus and offices of the National Government as may be needed by the College; and
      20. Exercise such other powers as are provided for elsewhere in this Code or by the Charter of this College as amended by Republic Act No. 8292 or as may be especially authorized by the Board and those usually pertaining to the Office of the College President. He/She may delegate in writing any of his specific functions to any college official.



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